The episode kicks off 'Three Months
Ago', which is a kind of a dumb thing to happen in literally the
first second of the episode. This is the first scene - 'ago' is
therefore a meaningless concept, since you haven't established a
'now' from which we are flashing back. Just put 'three months later'
over the next scene, dummies.
Yes, you can make the argument that, as
an episodic TV show, each individual episode is meant to be taking
place on or around the day it airs (which is why they botched a
perfectly good killer Santa episode back in season 3), but I would
argue that particular fiction is one that no viewer cares about, or
would complain if it were done away with.
Okay, back to the show. A creepy old
man is abusing his nurse with insults until the nurse ups his
morphine to knock him out (or perhaps kill him? Probably not.), but
their drama is interrupted when the coma patient in the next bed
suddenly wakes up and starts flailing around. Which he has the
strength to do, despite having been in a coma. Maybe he was only
there for a couple of days?
Anyhoo, we cut to the present (three
months later), and discover that the coma man Brad MFing Dourif!
Officially the best actor to have ever appeared on this show! Sorry
Tony Todd, but it's true. They took eight years to replace you,
though, so that's something.
Hey has Gregg Henry ever been on
Criminal Minds? Okay, that's one tangent too far.
A little person runs into the backroom,
worried that someone is going to hear the woman that he and Brad have
kidnapped. Brad's not concerned, though, because he's super-crazy!
Then there's a looped line where Brad asks 'Mr. Conrad' if he agrees,
which was presumably dropped in there because they noticed that after
the final cut the scene where the little person's name was introduced
has been removed.
Okay, Brad Dourif, a little person, a
weird flashback opening the episode... did Matthew Grey Gubler direct
this one? If so, it's going to be awesome!
Speaking of Reid, he's back on a
payphone talking to mystery woman! She announces that she's not being
stalked any more! No calls or emails or anything like that, and now
she thinks it's finally going to be safe for them to meet! More
importantly, though, Reid mentions that stalkers generally stop
stalking when they've moved onto another target. Which, to its
credit, the episode kind of blows past, since they don't want to
shine too bright a light on what's going on. Which is that her
stalker is now the team's stalker. Or she's crazy and also the
Now it's time for the briefing! A guy
was hanged, had his hair dyed black, then stuffed into a tiny box and
left on the side of the road. The box was so tiny that the killers
had to break his legs and double him over! Then it happened again,
only this time the killers kidnapped a couple, killing the man and
keeping the woman, who, naturally, is in the backroom with Brad and
Wait a minute, Conrad has black hair, and he would fit neatly into the boxes... are they trying to turn the men they're killing into versions of one of the killers? If so... why?
Also, every single one of the
characters says the dead guys had been 'hung', because the writers of
this show don't know how the English language works. Which is
especially embarrassing considering that they've just added a
character who is a DOCTOR OF LANGUAGE.
Back to Brad, who's tormenting his
kidnappee by putting a bow in her hair and taking old-timey photos of
her as she weeps! Yikes!
Time for the opening credits, meaning
we'll get to find out who directed this one soon! Although it may not
be Gubler, since there hasn't been any notable music yet, sadly.
During the plane briefing, Reid goes a
little nuts, talking about how it's strange that the killers were
able to grab three people so easily, since stalking victims are
usually incredibly careful about their own safety. He gets a couple
of funny looks, but for some reason no one stops the conversation to
ask him 'hey - what does stalking have to do with this case?' as any
sane person would.
They assume that the woman is still
alive, and that the killer needs her for some reason, just as he
needs the man to look a certain way. Of course, they don't know what
any of that means yet, so they're basically just repeating stuff the
audience already knows.
In town, Brad and Conrad are out
looking for a replacement male figure for whatever it is they're
doing, and spot one almost immediately. Serendipity! Brad interrupts
the guy as he's making a bologna sandwich, then asks to be let in to
use a phone. The guy agrees, because he's desperate and covered in
blood. Despite this being a busy suburban street, no one pays any
attention to the screaming blood-covered man on the stoop. Also, the
guy with the black hair is pretty young, wouldn't he just come
outside with a cell phone rather than letting Brad into his house?
We get a quick scene with the newest
body, which had its nails painted red for some reason, then it's back
to Brad, who torments the victim some more, explaining that he has to
cut her clothes off for the next step of their preparation. During
this scene xylophones start appearing on the soundtrack, and I
immediately become convinced that this is a Gubler episode even
before his name appears on the screen. Side note: watching the
complete credits for the first time ever makes me realize that this
show has a startlingly large number of co-executive producers. I'm
not entirely sure what that means.
Man, this show is moving at a good
clip! Derek's already arrived at the newest victim's house, and
noticed that there's ketchup on the window, giving him some clue as
the kind of ruse used to kidnap people! Although that still doesn't
explain how Brad got the drugged victim out to the car.
Over at the morgue, Joe and Reid
discover that the two victims were hanged over and over again for
hours with different ropes before they were finally killed with a
belt hanging. Why would JJ and Jeanne go see the body at the crime
scene, and then different people go to the morgue? That's just weird.
Speaking of weird, this is once again a
perfect example of Matt Gubler being the only person working at
Criminal Minds with a license to be a little strange - the coroner
plays the scene like she's super-excited to be dealing with a serial
killing, and also kind of aroused by the fact that they were hanged
to death. Then she caps off the scene by saying that the killer is
sicker than her last girlfriend.
All of which makes her the strangest
one-scene character this show has ever featured. Which, admittedly,
isn't a very high bar. Criminal Minds doesn't like to confuse its
audience, after all.
Then it's back to Brad, for a grotesque
sequence of him dislocating both of his victim's arms using a set of
stocks and dragging her arms up behind her back until they're over
her head. Which is one of the most unpleasant visuals we've ever had
on the show. So... thanks, Matt? Brad, as always, does something
interesting in the scene, acting super-psyched with his progress in
damaging her body.
Reid makes the leap that the victims'
arms were presumably stretched with a medieval rack, and they have
Penelope do a google search for local S&M suppliers. Since
nothing is found, Joe theorizes that Brad might have built his own,
which would be a complex undertaking.
Of course, he's wrong about that -
let's take a look at the items Brad is using.
Also, can we just applaud the
double-jointed stunt performer they got to pop her arms out of their
sockets? It's either that or some pretty good makeup. Either way,
great job at disgusting us, show!
Derek shows up with some news - not
only did Brad abduct the guy in broad daylight by walking in the
front door with ketchup on his coat, pretending it was blood, but
he'd also cut the feed to the guy's security camera first!
Which, I'm not really sure how you can
do without walking right up to the security camera. Don't the cables
for those go right in through the wall behind the camera itself? What
would be the point of a security camera with a wire that ran along
the outside of the house, out of the view of the security camera?
Seems kind of like they could have just not have the house be
equipped with a security camera, as this raises questions the show
can't answer.
Especially since Joe points out that Brad must have cased the house before attacking, which is high-risk behaviour in the middle of the afternoon. Um... walking around the outside of a house with a set of wire snippers is a hell of a lot less high risk than dragging an unconscious man down the front steps, across the yard, out to a car, and throwing him in the trunk. Brad did that, though, so I don't know why scoping out the place would even make it onto your radar.
Over at the torture puppet
show/carnival/whatever Brad is doing, the two victims are awake and
chatting as Brad comes over to hammer eye-bolts into their wrists for
some kind of a hanging-based presentation. I'm not sure you can
cleanly hammer the round top of an eye-bolt through someone's wrist
and the arm of a chair, but Brad seems to manage it. I've got to say,
though, if he'd actually put a handle through the eye bolt and
screwed it down through the arm and chair, that would have been a lot
creepier and harder to watch. Weird to miss that one, producers.
Or maybe that was where standards and
practices drew the line.
The new victim then turns up in a box -
once again he's failed the test while the lady has passed. Reid
notices that the victim is wearing the exact same jeans and shirt as
the previous victim, and suggests that the store they were purchased
from could be a lead. A lead they should have gotten to last time, if
they'd done the smart thing and just asked what the previous victim
was wearing when he disappeared. They'd have found out that his
clothes had been changed, and the significance would have been
immediately apparent.
Now it's time for the profile!
Based on the holes in the guy's hands and feat, they figure that the killer is attempting a crucifixion, but it's just not working right. They also think that the killer must feel wronged by his victims, since crucifixion was historically reserved as the punishment for the most serious crimes.
Damn, where to even begin with this?
Was crucifixion the punishment for
serious crimes under the Romans? Sure! But since then it's taken on a
far more spiritual connotation, because of its association with a
certain famous Rabbi who I won't mention here, because it's kind of
disrespectful to bring him up while talking about criminal minds.
Isn't it just as likely that a crucifixion would be thought of as a
holy rite by the killer? More importantly, what are you basing the
idea that the killer thinks the victims have wronged him on? You're
pretty sure that the last victim was killed because of his height and
hair colour.
Even within the killer's mind, clearly
he's just grabbing human props to serve as substitutes for whoever he
really wants to kill.
And, naturally, there's not a single
piece of actionable information in the profile that would be worth
wasting the collected officers time with. Seriously, they'd have
better luck out on the street giving traffic tickets, because at
least then they'd have a chance of randomly stopping Brad Dourif.
Over at the murder dungeon, the little
person yells at Brad for ruining their game/performance/art
installation. Then he hands Brad a gun and tells him to go find a
father and son. So it's a family vignette he's trying to build? But
with corpses?
Derek and JJ get to the clothing store
and ask if the clerk remembers who bought the clothes that the murder
victim was wearing. They don't mention that the killer bought the
exact same clothes twice, and would therefore be more memorable.
Then, puzzlingly, they let the clerk wander off to look for receipts
while they chat about Reid's love life.
Um... don't you think that the guy who runs the store could be a suspect? This is your only connection to the killer, and you're not at all suspicious of him? I mean, we know he's not the killer, because it's not Brad Dourif, but they don't. Why did you even tell him it's about a murder? Even if he's not involved, your first move was to tell him 'hey, you sold clothes to a brutal murderer that he used as part of his plan to torture people'. The most innocent person in the world would be worried upon hearing that.
Um... don't you think that the guy who runs the store could be a suspect? This is your only connection to the killer, and you're not at all suspicious of him? I mean, we know he's not the killer, because it's not Brad Dourif, but they don't. Why did you even tell him it's about a murder? Even if he's not involved, your first move was to tell him 'hey, you sold clothes to a brutal murderer that he used as part of his plan to torture people'. The most innocent person in the world would be worried upon hearing that.
This isn't as bad as the CSI: Miami team's habit of accusing everyone they meet of murder, but it's still a bad interview technique.
He is super-suspicious, though, since
he ducks out of the back of the store once he's out of their
eyesight, and drives off in a station wagon. Even though they're
parked out front of the store, they don't bother giving chase,
instead just calling in an APB. Perhaps they spent all their money on
Brad Dourif, and couldn't afford a chase scene this week?
Jeanne then checks in with Reid, who's
so worried about meeting his phone-only girlfriend that he can't
focus on his geographical profiling.
Two things:
A) You suck at your job. A woman's life
is on the line, as is the life of whatever guy they grab next, and
you're thinking about the crazy lady you've been talking to on the
2) How much focus do you need to draw a
couple of circles on the map around the abduction points and dump
sites and see where they overlap? Don't you have a computer program
that can do this for you?
Jeanne then wins the Prentiss Award for
the night, with this groaner.
No. His hair is too long. He's an FBI
Agent. He needs to look like an adult. Also, he mentions that he's
worried about his looks because his 'tie is crooked'. Yeah, then
don't have your tie be crooked. Having a crooked tie is a conscious
effort you're making to look like a non-conformist in a futile show
of rebellion against the heartless bureaucracy you work for. It takes
more effort to have a crooked tie than to have a straight one.
Your two choices are to own up to who
you are or dress like an adult to impress a woman. Pick one and stop
whining about it.
Also, save this conversation until
someone isn't being brutally tortured, maybe?
Over at Brad's art warehouse, he's
making a paper mask for the girl and calling her 'Stef'. Then someone
shows up at the door - it's the guy from the clothes store! He knew
right away that a buddy of his bought 8 sets of the exact same
outfit, one of which showed up on that corpse!
So the guy's first instinct was to
ditch the FBI (which might be a crime, I'd have to check) and run
over to talk to the guy he thinks might be a murderer face to face.
Why on earth would you do this? Is it
his brother? His uncle? The guy who gave him a kidney? What could
possess you to go and tip this guy off, possibly putting your life at
risk? Dear Criminal Minds writers, please explain to me the best case
scenario that this guy has imagined could possibly happen.
If Brad Dourif isn't a killer and
there's an innocent explanation for the clothes, then ditching the
cops serves no purpose except to get yourself into trouble.
If Brad Dourif is a killer, then not
only are you helping a murderer avoid justice, but there's a good
chance he's going to kill you as well.
The only way this guy's reaction makes
sense is if he was personally involved in the killings, and needs to
go on the run, but feels some duty to warn Brad Dourif on his way out
of town. That's not the case, though, so this scene makes zero sense.
So, I guess JJ and Derek didn't chase
him because he would have just led them to the killer, and that would
have made their jobs too easy?
Back at the police station, they find
out the newest victim had his jaw dislocated as well - which allows
Reid to figure out what we kind of guessed ages ago, that the killer
is building his own human puppet show, with real live marionettes!
Way to immediately invalidate your own profile, guys. Better rush and
get all of the cops back in a room so you can give them a new set of
pointless information that won't help catch the killer!
Then things get amazing for like 60
seconds, as the dancer/contortionist they hired to play the victim's
double does a frankly incredibly job of looking like all of her
joints are dislocated while doing a suspended dance to 'Where is my
mind' played on a a Xylophone (or something like it). This is the
kind of amazing madness we come to Gubler episodes for, and he hasn't
disappointed yet!
Although I'm not sure what Brad thinks
he's going to accomplish with a second victim, since it's taking all
his effort to run just a single marionette - is the little person
going to puppeteer the other one?
The team jaws a little nonsense about
the history of puppeteering, then find out that Brad has kidnapped a
father and son from a parking lot at gunpoint!
Back to the theatre, where Brad is
putting on a show, in which the little person is a robber, and the
two marionettes (the clothes shop guy is the other one!) have to stop
him from killing the father and son! I guess this is another
Psychodrama, where he's reenacting something from his life, like back
in season two? (Fun fact - that's one of the most-read episode
breakdowns, because people are confused at the show's eliding over a
forced incestuous performance!)
The team searches through lists of
local puppeteers, cross-checking them against names from the clothing
store and people released from prison. There's no luck just yet!
We get a little more of Brad's
performance - in which he explains that his father was murdered by a
robber, and he's trying to create a version of the events where his
dad survives. Why he needs a Howdy-Doody and a Raggedy Ann to help
with that, I'm not sure.

Maybe those were some dolls he had as a
kid, and he wishes he could have saved his father, and the dolls were
he outlet, so he's creating a simulation where they saved the day? Or
is that too crazy for even this episode?
Apparently not. In the next scene we
find out that a famous puppeteer was murdered in front of his son
years ago, and his puppets looked just like the simulacra that he's
turned his victims into!
In a fun note, this is absolutely not
what a newspaper article from the early 60s would look like.
Also, why is there a negative image of
the article directly behind the image Penelope is reading?
While the team is rushing out to catch
Brad, things get super-weird, as we see him performing his play about
his father's murder for a crowd of people gathered in his theatre.
Which has to be all in his head, right? Is the little person all in
his head as well? Or did he coincidentally find someone just as crazy
as he is?
Now it's time for a backstory dump!
Brad was in a car accident, and he was the coma guy from the opening
scene! When he woke up, he thought he was a child again, and wanted
to know where his father was - which somehow led to a murderous
Seriously, I have no idea how 'car
crash+coma+dead dad obsession' could possibly ever = 'let's make
human dolls!' Why wouldn't he just make an actual puppet show?
Because there wouldn't be an episode.
Joe and Greg burst in, and we discover
that not only is the audience not real, but the little person isn't
either - just a crude paper-mache puppet with no articulation! So, I
guess half of the episode was just happening inside of Brad's head?
On the upside, however, Brad's
performance in the scene is fantastic, because he's a great actor who
never phones in a performance, no matter how pointless the material.
He's arrested without incident, when
the team explains to him that puppets can't save people, because
they're puppets. What they really should have explained was that his
father was an idiot who didn't deserve to be remembered fondly,
because he chose to value a couple nights' worth of ticket receipts
over his own life, and possibly that of his son, since he had no
reason to believe that the robber wouldn't kill both of them.
Back at the FBI, everyone makes plans
for the weekend - except for Reid, who already has plans! To see his
But those plans are foiled when Reid
sees someone watching him from a booth! Is it his lady's stalker? He
phones her to tell her to run away, which she does (she was right
outside the restaurant at the time). Reid then goes to confront the
guy, and it turns out that he was just watching the door, waiting for
his friend to arrive.
And that's what you get for sitting
with your back to the door, Reid.
Then, in a sweet touch, it turns out
Reid's lady dropped off a copy of the same book he was going to give
Will these two crazy kids ever get
1 - Was profiling in any way helpful in
solving the crime?
Not at all. None of their guesses about
the killer were even close. Only when he'd actually damaged a body
enough to make it look like a marionette did they make the
connection. At a certain point, you're just dealing with a gimmie.
2 - Could the crime have been solved
just as easily using conventional police methods given the known
facts of the case?
Of course. They had a concrete piece of
physical evidence in the two sets of identical clothing. They could
have easily tracked those to the killer if they hadn't done such a
terrible job of interviewing that witness/suspect at the clothing
So, on a scale of 1 (Dirty Harry) to 10
(Tony Hill), How Useful Was Profiling in Solving the Crime?
I'm still not sure I understand why
Brad resorted to murder. He was puppet-obsessed. His dad was a
puppeteer. He wanted to use puppetry to resolve his feelings about
his dad's death. How on earth do living human pieces factor into
things? You could say on some level he needed real people because
only they could take action to intervene, but then he turned them
into puppets so they couldn't...
The psychology of this episode really
doesn't make any sense - even for a Criminal Minds episode.
Also, why was he killing the earlier
guys? Because they were too heavy for him to puppeteer? How is that
possible? Most of their weight is being held by a torso harness,
right? And then you have the arms, legs, and head rigged to move
separately? So if a guy was heavy, wouldn't the proper move be to
just add another few counterweights to suspend him?
Next time, I hope that Gubler goes all
the way with it and just has them fight a werewolf. It wouldn't be
any more preposterous than the clothing shop guy's actions in the
Once again, though, props to the stunt
lady who did all the disjointed action. Even if her character was
completely dehumanized by the story. Seriously, the last we see of
her she's dangling from a harness, her face covered with a mask. We
don't even see her getting cut down and rescued, let alone find out
if she survived her horrific injuries.
Pretty classless, show.
Murder Map!
Winslow, Arizona.
When’s the new one coming out?
Right now!
I would just like to point out that Derek in the meeting says that the unsub finds brunette men important, a little strange since the unsub is dying all the men's hair black?
Wow you're the kind of person who can't find fun in anything huh?
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